CWI Medical

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Drive Medical Walkers

CWI Medical carries a wide variety of Mobility & Ambulatory Walkers and accessories. If you have a question on what is the right Walker for you, Contact Us

Viewing 1 - 10 of 10 Items

Handling a walker can be challenging, so struggling with moving at a comfortable pace should not be an…

Drive Medical's 5 Inch Universal Walker Wheels converts folding walker into wheeled walker. It allows for 8 height…

Walker Basket with Plastic Insert Tray: For use with 1" folding walkers. New & Improved with Stronger Hinged…

Features a wide, deep, frame with height adjustments for enhanced leg room, our Deluxe Folding Walker, Two Button…

Converts a heavy-duty walker into wheeled walker, it allows for 8 height adjustments.  Our 5 inch Walker Wheels…

Oversized Aluminum Folding Walker, 2-button The Oversized Aluminum Folding Walker from Drive Medical offers a wider and deeper…

Providing stability while walking and a convenient place to rest when needed, the 5" front wheels make movement…

Find convenience in the portability of our folding travel walker by Drive Medical that can be stored in…

Take a seat or take a supported walk with our Clever-Lite LS, Adult Walker by Drive Medical features a…

Balance is essential when challenged by physical limitation and using a walker is a safe and smart choice.…

Viewing 1 - 10 of 10 Items
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