CWI Medical

Homecare for Children with Special Health Needs

Children and youth with special health needs are those who have, or who are at increased risk for, a chronic physical, developmental, behavioral, or emotional condition. They also require health and related services of a type or amount beyond that generally required

Viewing 1 - 7 of 7 Items

Available accessories for the First Class School Chair. Choose your accessories to customize the right fit and needs…

Available Accessories for Trotter Mobility Stroller Chair Seat Rail Extension Kit Model No.  TR 8031 Adds 3″ of…

Provides additional back height, providing additional safety during transport which may help aid in prevention of  head whiplash…

Take it with you everywhere you go! A ightweight soft padded positioning seat for children that need support…

Designed to assure good seating posture, the First Class School Chair  by Drive Medical is comfortable, attractive and…

A lightweight & foldable alternative to  wheelchair-style mobility bases, our Trotter Mobility Chair Specialty Stroller can easily grow with…

Designed with a deep bucketed seat to promote a supported squat posture, which is the optimum position for…

Viewing 1 - 7 of 7 Items
  • Alco-Screen
  • EnteraLite Infinity
  • First Quality Products
  • Janibell Disposal Systems
  • LiquaCel
  • Stryker