CWI Medical

Homecare for FSA Eligible Item

Flexible Spending Account Eligible Items

This section lists eligible, reimbursable items for your Flexible Spending Account (also known as a flexible spending arrangement). Read more about how you can save with a Flexible Spending Account (FSA).

Viewing 1 - 8 of 12 Items

Convenient in an easy to carry bottle, get 26 grams of protein per 2.5 oz bottle, and 100…

In the medical industry for over past ten years, Proteinex® 15 LiquidProtein is a predigested liquid protein that provides…

Pro-Stat Liquid Protein is a unique sugar-free formulation offering direct delivery of 15 grams of protein in one…

A combination of hydrolyzed collagen and whey protein, ProSource NoCarb Liquid Protein is a sugar-free, concentrated, low-volume, high-protein supplement. This…

Calorie and Protein Dense Nutrition With scFOS, TwoCal HN is a nutritionally complete, high-calorie liquid food designed to…

A high-nitrogen, low fat, elemental (100% free amino acids) diet for total enteral nutrition. With additional free glutamine…

A convenient and good tasting high calorie and high protein snack - 20 grams of protein and 150…

For a high protein snack that satisfies and supplements, ProSource Gelatein 20 is a delicious, ready-to-serve 4 oz.…

Viewing 1 - 8 of 12 Items
  • Alco-Screen
  • EnteraLite Infinity
  • First Quality Products
  • Janibell Disposal Systems
  • LiquaCel
  • Stryker