CWI Medical

For Medical Professionals > Anatomical Models / Education > Models & Manikins >

Models & Manikins

CWI Medical carries a wide variety of health education models and manikins. If you have a question on what is the right anatomical model or training manikin for you, Contact Us

Viewing 1 - 16 of 55 Items

Accessories designed in conjunction for infant patient education training for our Life/Form Baby Doll Manikin with Special Needs…

A small, entry level skeleton, our Anatomy Lab Essential Miniature Skeleton with Stand is a micro desktop skeleton model…

Ideal for entry-level study with a respectable amount of anatomical detail perfect for you or a student's first skull model.…

A 4 stage cross-section of the bronchus, this Bronchus Anatomy Model demonstrates the tissue changes occurring in asthma and…

Designed by Medical Professionals, this an anatomically correct mini replica of the human spine model and all its…

Stomach with Ulcers Model is a one-piece, life-size cutaway section of the stomach that shows esophageal inflammation, gastric…

An economical teaching skeleton - Mr. Thrifty Skeleton has a user-friendly personality that will encourage children to learn…

A great detailed top-tier 2-part heart anatomy model at a great price made in Germany by American 3B…

The Skin Cancer Model features three cancerous conditions: NBC (Nodular Basal Cell), MM (Malignant Melanoma), MBC (Morpheic Basal…

Oversized Kidney Model is a 2-times life-size longitudinal section of the right kidney and adrenal gland. Mounted on…

Has your 3B Scientific skeleton played too much over the years, and it's hip is in need of…

A terrific training baby doll manikin for expectant mothers, fathers, and first-time parents to get ready for childcare. …

View the inner anatomy of our oversized normal model of the human eye with our split shell construction that…

Created by medical professionals, get a magnified study of the human mouth and teeth with our larger than…

Designed for beginners and professionals with an opportunity to get hands-on with a detailed version of the human brain…

A full size 2-sided model of two separate lungs with 4 cutaway sections illustrating normal ("healthy") anatomy and…

Viewing 1 - 16 of 55 Items
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